
Coming soon:
Thanksgiving Dinner sponsored by Pastor R. Lima and the Gift House feeding program. November 30, 2013
Followed by the Christmas store, which will open on the same day for our regular clients. November 28, December 7, 14, and the 21st, will be for regular clients that attend every week. December 21, will be for clients and guests that will be there only for Christmas assistance, and people that only come that one week every year. Regular requirements will stay in effect. Gifts are for children from birth to 18. Parents must have proof of age and that they are living with the parent that is requesting assistance. It is also required for the parents to attend the church service on Saturday morning at 8:30 and to go through in-process counseling before going to Christmas store.
Our desire is to help as many as we can, but again we are an emergency facility only, so as long as supplies last we will stay open, we cannot guarantee how many we can serve. Thank You and may the true spirit of Christmas remain in your heart, the love of Jesus Christ who gave the greatest gift of all, He died in our place taking away our sins and allowing us to become the righteouness of God, Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birthday Jesus.

Coming Soon

Please come back soon for some great posts from Pastor Larry Vinkemulder.